I know who killed me
This is quite a bit of a thriller.. It's really not a bad movie.. Lindsay Lohan is really a great actress.. She has great talent.. Well, anyways this movie is about twins.. it's pretty freaky if you think that if you actually are adopted and like have a twin outside somewhere and have freaky stories in your head.. And basically it shows how the twins bond is so strong. I like LiLo, so, I enjoyed this movie, she usually acts in those happy happy movies, but this movie is dark, and she played it really well. She played a pole dancer.. (she had to go classes for it) and she really did work it! Well, this movie brings the horrible truth of a father who keeps a very important secret.. Well, she slowly unravels everything.. Please do note, this movie has a few gross scenes.. Like where the fingers are cut.. =)) I shan't say anymore.. wouldn't wanna ruin anything for you guys..
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