Daddy Day Camp
Eddie Murphy.. yup.. it's a comedy again!! This movie is about a busy working father who got fired.. As Charlie (Eddie Murphy) is desperate for money, he opened a day care with his friend who also lost his job Phil (Jeff Garlin), seeing that there's money to be earned in that.. Slowly after they get used to and know about the business, their business boomed as it's about fun and learning too, unlike the nearby school which was strict.. Soon, that strict school slowly loses it's students, and you'll see the headmistress attempting to ruin Daddy Day Care... but to no avail. Then Charlie got a really good offer, and he took that job offer.. only to find that he doesn't wanna do the job and decides to open Daddy Day Care again. He needs to convince the kids that his serious and slowly got back his business and Daddy Day Care then became successful.
What I think that Daddy Day Camp was a pretty crappy movie filled with wasted talent and some of the worst child actors I've seen on screen..
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