Sunday, November 18, 2007


I know this movie came out quite a while ago. But I just watched it again.. Yes, I've watched this like 5 times.. It's still good. I grew up watching transformers and finally seeing them real life.. (You know what I mean) It just gives you the feeling that they really are alive.. Especially Bumble bee and Optimus. The storyline isn't too bad.. A high school guy acquires Bumbe bee because he holds the key to the Cube. Not only does the Auto bots have help from the high school boy, Sam, but they have help from the US military too to save the world with the Decepticons. It's a good action pack film with good FX and it's just a nice break away from watching the bad movies that has been lately showned lately. Thank God for old good movies.. Good movie, great to watch it several times.. Two thumbs up for this movie!! You can watch the movie again and again, drama and action in one..

Click the parts below to watch this movie free online.

Part 1

Part 2


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Crazyonlinemovieandtvaddict said...

Hello, obrigado para sua oferta. Infelizmente, eu não compreendo o português. Eu traduzi este peixe usando-se de Babel do altavista. Eu considerarei o local uma vez que eu uma audiência mais elevada de Brasil. Obrigado outra vez para sua oferta.


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